People who see me painting on location always want to know how long it takes me to finish a painting. Usually the answer is "four hours and twenty years". That's not exactly the truth.
My paintings are developed by working on them at the same time of day in the same light conditions. I always have many paintings in the works.
I return to these scenes of rooftops again and again. Not so much because I sell so many of them, (that would be nice) I return to them so I can learn their light key. They are my haystacks.
Another question student's always want to know is when is the painting finished.
I think finishing a painting is different for every artist. Most of my paintings develop over a number of days. I suggest a few details at the end when all the masses of color are working.
Now a days there are so many plein air artist's working with so many ideas. Painting is a journey.
Most Plein air artist's paint their paintings in one sitting, very popular but it seems a little splash dash for me. I like to return to my painting, and study them, I think this is the only way to learn the light key of nature.