Rooftops |
Developing the painting has it's challenges. I seldom work on a painting in one sitting, "One Shots".
I usually return the next day at the same time in the same lighting conditions.
Nothing can replace the color and the experience you get from painting consistently from life.
I will get rid of the white spots in my studio however, and sign the painting.
I might work on a painting for two or three weeks.
I love to start the painting for me, that's where the fun is. Developing the painting takes patience and that's a bit of work.
This rooftop painting will take a couple more sessions to finish.
I like to think of developing paintings rather than finishing paintings. When the colors are true and I can't see anymore variations of color I begin to but on the smaller details.
It's interesting to see all the types of plein air paintings and methods folks have for outdoor painting.
It's a bit of a fade to see all these quickie "one shots", however it's important to have a great start of a painting then a developed crummy composition.