Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall on Cape Cod

The fall is a wonderful time to paint on the cape. There are many places that have great foliage, my favorite are scenes of Beach Forest and the ponds.

Beach Forest Moring

Shank Painter Pond

Monday, October 21, 2013

San Francisco Street Scenes

My easel and the bike I used to get around

I found painting in San Francisco challenging on many different levels; knowing where to paint, how your going to get you equipment there and handling the perspective of monster hills.
I figured out where I wanted to paint, I put my equipment in a backpack and biked to my painting location.
Biking across flatter streets using the "wiggle map"
made painting easier than I thought it would be.
San Francisco has some  of the most beautiful urban landscapes in the world. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bodega Bay

This week I traveled out to Bodega Bay in California, to experience  painting something new.
I have painted a couple times out there and love the crashing waves over the rocks. It's very challenging to leave my comfort zone of Provincetown.
I will post all the paintings of some of the street scenes, when I am able to download them.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cottage Street

Here is a painting of Cottage street I'm currently working on. I love studying the flow of light that flows throughout this scene.