Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Banyan Tree

Banyan Tree oil of canvas 8x10
The Banyan Tree is the center of interest or my main focal point. The detail of the building was painted on  after everything else, and was applied unevenly to suggest architecture.

The paint was but on with a brush and painted thin in the darks with the build up in the lights to create the light effect.
I added the two chickens in the right first, because they are there and second to draw the eye to the Banyan  tree.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Starburst 8x10 oil on Masonite
The Starburst shrub made an excellent subject on an overcast day. Clerodendrum quadriloculare, is the starburst's technical name. The Shrub blooms in the winter months forming pink and white balls 6 to 10 inches.
Painting scenes with flowers on a cloudy day can be somewhat more colorful than a sunny day because of the saturation of blooms due to their local color.

I started this scene with a brush and when it got too noodled up I went in with my painting knife and pushed it together.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Quiet Island Lane

Oil on Canvas Panel 8x10
Sometimes when I'm composing a composition I look at my scene and visualize whether it should be portrait orientation or landscape orientation.

 A thumbnail sketch helps tremendously to see what you want to express in the painting.
I wanted to express an intimate shady lane scene, and that's what this lane is.

There are so many choices to paint on this lane that I could have chose many different ideas.
I zeroed in on one part of the lane and found a place to paint out of everyones way. 
I used a brush which helped keep it loose and fresh, helping to express what I feel about this place.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

End of Day

6x8 Oil on Canvas Board
I went back to Stock Island yesterday to paint. The late afternoon is usually very brilliant at the Hog Fish, but it was slightly over cast. Still there was enough light on the three boats to make it exciting.
 I decided to paint these three fishing boats clustered together. The grouping of these boats made such an interesting composition to me that I felt the scene painted itself.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stock Island Wharf

Oil on Panel 8x10
Many artist's including my friend, have remarked the cloudy day or "grey day", is their least favorite light key. I love the grey day because it is a change from the sunny day and you have another palette from which to paint from.
The color values are a little closer together and the local color is more apparent. 
When I say local color I mean the color of the object, without the intense sunlight effecting it.
Painting at this little wharf is a wonderful spot in the keys, very laid back, with all the elements of a good marine scene.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Elgin Lane

Here's todays sketch of Elgin Lane. It was a beautiful sunny morning painting here on the lane.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Key West street scene

This start of Elign street in Key West was painted with a knife yesterday. The knife helps make rich color choices in the beginning. It is devoid of details at this point. I will try and get more sophisticated color notes tomorrow morning before some finishing details.

I completed this painting by adjusting the color notes, and adding a few details.