Friday, November 7, 2014

A Small Studio to Work In

This time every year is when I take a day to reorganize my studio.  I find I'm more productive in my studio when I know where everything is.

My studio has north light which produces cool controlled light and value shifts. It have had many studio's in Provincetown and there where all different types. There are 'North Light studio's " in town because  there are many professional artist's that work here.

My studio is small and it's all I can really afford. My ceilings are high and storage can be built.
I have built two lofts in order to have frames and canvas stored. I have shelves for books and still life objects.

North Light is generally and creates dramatic light effects.

Where to put everything is the challenge and takes sometime to plan out. Accessibility is key. My organizer is Astranda Gamsey, she has organized several studio's in Provincetown for me.  Astranada has a real gift for knowing exactly where things should be located in accordance to how often they are used. All brushes are in one spot and tools in another. I also have an area for printmaking in my small studio.
Once everything is off the floors there is room to paint,  stand back and look at my work.

Now to keep it that way! 


  1. John - that's a great looking studio, with a light that's very Vermeer (or at least Old Dutch Master). Doesn't look all that small, either... kudos to Astranda -- and to your ability to fine-tune both your workspace and your art.
