Monday, March 31, 2014

My New Read

My new favorite book I am  reading  this winter was "Brushwork for the Oil Painter' by Emile Gruppe,. The book is out of Print and it cost me $40 dollars through Amazon,  well worth the price.

Most of my painting experience has been with a knife. I'm able to manipulate the knife easily. The knife  has a great look and puts the color on pure but even Charles Hawthorn warns of it's tendency to make mannerists out of us.
Over the past two years I have been going back and forth between knife and brushes and it has been a challenge.

Once when I was painting Charles Sovek,  ( commented on my using a knife to paint he said "young fella that's going to limit you in the long run. Brushes are your signature it let's the viewer get a sense of your personality and style". 
The Gruppe Book, Brushwork for the Oil Painter has great information on materials , Painting procedure, basic function of the brushstroke, a chapter on buildings (which I love), and Figures.
I suggest borrowing this book from your library. Most libraries have a lending policy throughout their system and can get the book through another library.
This Summer I am teaching a Class through the Provincetown Art Association, it going to be all about painting color using brushes.  Much of what is taught in this book will be explored.

Yesterday I painted this small bar scene. It's different and gets me out of the box I have put myself in. The bar Scene is basically an interior.

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