Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here we are Painting the outside portrait. Charles Hawthorne had his students paint children on the beach. They affectionally called Mudhead, due to the fact most of the children where Portuguese and had dark skin. Hawthorne wanted his student's to study them as big silhouettes against the sky. So that they would see the fundamental thing of the big color shape, without rendering eyes nose lips and the planes of the head.
Great exercise for color and you don't need to be a portrait painter to do it!
I studied painting with Joanette and Cedric Egeli they are very good for learning this procedure.
I think I will set up some of these for my workshop this summer. It will be fun and helpful way to see the big darks and lights.


  1. Looks like great fun! Have been really wanting to paint models out doors. The weather is just starting to get warm enough to consider it here!

    1. Thanks, Andrew
      You can set the model up so that the sun is to the back of them and paint away!
