This winter I took a portrait weekend workshop with John Ebersberger. The one on the right was the color study. The left is the finished portrait. We first studied the color then we began constructing the head. Good thing we had only an hour to study the color otherwise I would have put all the features in and destroyed the color. I am no portrait artist that's for sure. I think studying the head is so helpful to understanding the forms we see in the landscape. The same way we study the head we can study trees, water and sky.
For some reason I was so busy drawing and studying the forms of the head I lost control of the color in the finished painting. When you are studying and drawing you loose somethings and gain something else. I guess that's why Charles Hawthorne told his students to separate the drawing from the painting. Oh well, I really enjoyed learning more about constructing the portrait and getting to know everyone in the class. It's lonely being a landscape painter it's something you do mostly alone.
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