Monday, April 16, 2012

Art Student's League Watercolors

While I was moving into my new studio I stumbled upon these two water colors I did In Irwin Greenberg's Class at the Art Student's League. They brought up wonderful memories. "Greenie" is what everyone called him. He was a devoted inspiring teacher. He had one eye with vision yet he did the most beautiful watercolors. We painted on illustration type paper and used an acrylic brush. The application was closer to oil painting than true water color.
Greenie would give a talk between the model breaks. Using books and pictures Greenberg gave the best artist talks. He shared insights that I return to again and again.
Greenie called them "the Artist survival kit".
"Be hungry to learn". "When you take a break, don't eat. Instead, drink a glass of water." He would always stop at number 19 "Find the Mate who really is a mate".
I could go on and on. There are 100 on the list.
Forgetting my terps, pallet knife, and only two brushes, I have a new favorite
15. Know your art equipment and take care of it.

16. Have a set of Materials ready wherever you go.


  1. Fabulous post -- and thanks to the fact that you were specific, I was able to find the complete list online (at several places!) -- one of these is

    It is a great list... fantastically great, in fact.

    1. Thanks, I knew it would be on line I wonder if Mr Greenberg ever thought his list would be so widespread?

  2. Waow that’s excellent! I have completely got this. Thanks a lot and keep it up. Calgary painter
